Young Scientists Competition

The Young Scientists competition will be held on the 2nd of December 2016.

Any specialist connected in his professional activity with plastic surgery, under 35 years old, can take participation in the competition.

Participation is charge free.

For taking part in the competition you should:

  • register in as the Congress participant;
  • execute  your abstract according to the requirements and fulfill  the application form of thesis in your personal account until 15 September  2016;
  • choose the category «Young scientist competition» while adding the abstract.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Authoritative jury.

By the review results the abstracts are to be selected for final tour, which will be held on the 2nd of December 2016 and will consist of spoken and stand sections.

Requirements of abstracts execute:

  • The abstracts submitted for the competition must be original. Those being once presented or published, will not be accepted.
  • Abstract must use the following structured format:
    • introduction;
    • idea;
    • aim;
    • materials and methods;
    • results;
    • discussion.
  • All abbreviations, except units of measure, can be used only after having mentioned the full of a term.
  • The text body of abstract should not contain tables, diagrams, pictures.
  • The text body of the abstract (excluding the thematics and author’s data) should not exceed 4500 symbols, including the spaces.
  • If the abstract passed the examination in the Ethical Council, at the end of the abstract you should mention the date and the result of discussion.

Assessment criteria:

  • novelty of the work;
  • relevance of information;
  • visibility of  summary;
  • personal participation.

Abstracts to be not accepted, are:

  • abstracts, presented in other scientific-practical events;
  • abstracts, contradicting the author’s interests;
  • abstracts,  not satisfying the competition theme;
  • abstracts, not satisfying the technical criteria;
  • abstracts,  first reporting  co-author of which is over 30 years old.

Publication of abstracts

Abstracts, acknowledged by the jury worthy of publication, will be posted in the section «Young Scientist Competition» in the Congress abstract collection.

Publication is charge  free.

Presenting the abstract to the competition, the author accepts the Organizer’s right of abstract publication in the Congress abstract collection.

Requirements to the abstracts which are going to be passed up in the final tour:

the Spoken Report

  • duration of speech is 8 minutes;
  • the presentation of report should be processed in MS Power Point format;
  • your presentation of abstract should be submitted to the organizing committee no later than 10 minutes before the section starts.


Within the competition there will be chosen three best abstracts and will be given special awards for them.

Rewarding the competition winners will be held on the 2nd December 2016 after the end of the spoken section.

Young scientists competition participation is confirmed by the Participant Certificate.